My name is Nicholas Gaspard. I have owned and operated fitness centers for the last 20 years. I have learned a lot from speaking and interacting with thousands of clients, as well as from my own personal weight-loss journey. I have lost over 110 pounds following the nutrition and exercise plan I outline in this book. Time-restricted feeding is a game changer, especially when combined with a moderate-fat, low-carb diet. I was always taught that in order to lose fat, you need to eat five to six small meals a day and you need to “burn more calories than you consume.” Over the last three years, I have found that eating five to six times a day can be counterproductive to fat loss, and that “burning more calories than you consume” isn’t always conducive to losing weight. The Cheat Code teaches you the quickest, safest, and most effective ways to burn fat without having to starve yourself or do hours of high-intensity training. With this protocol, you only need to eat two to three times per day, do 30 minutes of daily cardio, and lift weights three days per week, to experience results that are unfathomable.